07/07/09 02:28am; en : How do you like our new logo?! Let us know here, or on facebook at http://facebook.com/cnoteacappella !! :) 07/07/09 02:28am; en : Who else has a bonsai tree or bamboo plant on their desk? #deskplants 07/07/09 02: ...... 07/07/09 01:31am; en : likes the eva Longoria haircut that she had when she was on the jonathon ross show. might cut it like that or just keep my hair semi-long 07/07/09 01:31am; en : Vacations...has the economy changed your plans? ...
screensteps blogo Let's/b interrupt this episode of Dumb Question Corner with a word from our sponsors, the lovely folks over at ScreenSteps. This week I'm working on an episode of Podcasting on Podcasting where I want to explain all of b..../b Think about this setup ? your best friend goes on bvacation/b and takes 327 photos and then invites you to come over to his house to see his photos. You know how it works, he controls either the turning of the pages in a real photo album, ...
And since this was not the kind of article that was going to put it into the readers' mind to want to fly to take a bvacation/b, there had to be some other business reason. They had to be getting paid to publish this. [55:16]. Maybe I can guess what their next attempt is ... Meanwhile the DRMless approach would have the attention of the marketplace through the epub1 blogo. Let's/b hope that IDPF will see the advantage here in separating the term ?e-book? from the use of DRM. ...